
Feluda All Books By Satyajit Ray


Feluda Series was written by a great writer Satyajit Ray.

Feluda, whose full name is Prodosh Chandra Mitra, is a private detective known for his sharp intellect, logical thinking, and keen observation skills. He is the main character in a series of detective stories written by Ray.

Feluda's stories are set in various locations, both in India and abroad, and often involve solving complex mysteries and crimes. Feluda is accompanied by his cousin, Topshe, who serves as his loyal assistant and narrator of the stories. Topshe's youthful enthusiasm and Feluda's seasoned expertise create a dynamic partnership that drives the narrative forward.

Feluda is known for his calm and composed demeanor, even in the face of danger. He possesses a vast knowledge, which he uses to solve intricate puzzles and mysteries. Unlike some other detectives, Feluda relies on his intellect and logical deduction rather than physical force.

The character of Feluda made his first appearance in the story "Feludar Goendagiri". He quickly became a cultural icon in India, and his adventures have been adapted into movies, television series, and radio plays.

Satyajit Ray's Feluda stories not only entertain readers with their intriguing plots but also provide insights into the culture and society of the times in which they are set. The character of Feluda continues to captivate generations of readers, showcasing the enduring appeal of well-crafted detective fiction and memorable characters.

Satyajit Ray (2 May 1921 – 23 April 1992) was an Indian Bengali filmmaker, widely regarded as one of the greatest filmmakers of the 20th century. He was born in the city of Calcutta into a Bengali family prominent in the world of arts and literature.

He was also a fiction writer, publisher, illustrator, calligrapher, music composer, graphic designer and film critic. He authored several short stories and novels, primarily aimed at children and adolescents. Feluda, the great detective, and Professor Shonku, the scientist in his science fiction stories, are popular fictional characters created by him. He was awarded an honorary degree by Oxford University.

Feluda Book Links

1. অপ্সরা থিয়েটারের মামলা

2. অম্বর সেন অন্তর্ধান রহস্য

3. ইন্দ্রজাল রহস্য

4. এবার কান্ড কেদারনাথে

5. কৈলাস চৌধুরীর পাথর

6. কৈলাসে কেলেঙ্কারি

7. গোরস্থানে সাবধান

8. গোলকধাম রহস্য

9. গোলাপী মুক্তা রহস্য

10. গোসাঁইপুর সরগরম

11. গ্যাংটকে গণ্ডগোল

12. ঘুরঘুটিয়ার ঘটনা

13. ছিন্নমস্তার অভিশাপ

14. জাহাঙ্গীরের স্বর্ণমুদ্রা

15. জয় বাবা ফেলুনাথ

16. টিনটোরেটোর যীশু

17. ডাঃ মুনসীর ডায়রি

18. দার্জিলিং জমজমাট

19. নয়ন রহস্য

20. নেপোলিয়নের চিঠি

21. ফেলুদার গোয়েন্দাগিরি

22. বাক্স রহস্য

23. বাদশাহী আংটি

24. বোম্বাইয়ের বোম্বেটে

25. বোসপুকুরে খুনখারাপি

26. ভূস্বর্গ ভয়ংকর

27. যত কাণ্ড কাঠমাণ্ডুতে

28. রবার্টসনের রুবি

29. রয়েল বেঙ্গল রহস্য

30. লন্ডনে ফেলুদা

31. শকুন্তলার কণ্ঠহার

32. শেয়াল দেবতা রহস্য

33. সমাদ্দারের চাবি

34. সোনার কেল্লা

35. হত্যাপুরী